athenaOne’s electronic medical records capabilities make it easier to document patient encounters and deliver exceptional care.
Improve the encounter experience for clinicians and patients

Simplified documentation
Reduce distractions and documentation time during patient encounters with an EHR that up-levels the clinician experience.
Customizable features like best-practice templates, macros, accelerators, Pre-Encounter Prep, and Focused Encounter help reduce documentation time.
The documentation process can be easily tailored to support the needs of specialties.
Give physicians the ability to document encounters on the go using their existing customized macros, templates, and order sets with the athenaOne app.
Get real-time patient data and insights from our network surfaced in your standard workflows.

Perform clinical work on the go
Give physicians the ability to perform meaningful clinical work from their mobile devices with this fully integrated extension of our EHR.
These fully integrated services build on athenaOne’s EHR software, enabling more efficient daily workflows and extraordinary care delivery.
Dr. Ashish Parikh, Chief Quality Officer,
Summit Health